Scarier than Dengue...

"It must have been the first mosquito that saw you walking off the plane." My Dad jovially said over Skype as I laid in the Bangkok hospital. Dengue was an embarrassing and painful disease. Multiple days of a 102 degree temperature, severe eye, head and body pain, projectile vomiting into a shoebox in a very gracious Thai woman's store, being taken to the exit of that very same mall in a wheelchair whereby the security guard stopped and ushered me out with his eyes... yep, embarrassing. Well after three days in the hospital, I reluctantly gave up my IVs and cable TV and headed back into the depths of Bangkok. And, there is one thing I've realized, it is very easy for all that pain and fear to be transformed into boredom. I've been forcing myself to rest but now feeling at 100% I'm getting antsy and raring to go!

There are a couple of things to take care of first...

As terrifying as Dengue was, I've found something much scarier, more exhausting, much more humiliating and debilitating than this disease...pant shopping in Asia.

I realized (thank you Mom) that my permethrin soaked skirt may not do the trick for the mosquito populations of SE Asia so I set out to find loose-fitting, light-colored, safari clothing. Although I began with such resolve that quickly morphed into despair. After my 30th pair of high-watered, not really medium pants I did what any good American would do and went to the food court. But, after my delicious mango smoothie I set out with new purpose and found a pair of jeans that only the most resolute of bugs will permeate. The best part about them? Across the butt it says the following...



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