Waste not...

Inspired by the article on Tourists' use (or MISuse) of water, I've decided to list ways that I've found to conserve water while traveling. Certainly there is a huge benefit to traveling, but the old axiom "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints" is misleading. Tourism in general impacts (for better or worse) the areas in which it exists. I have to believe that you can minimize the eco-print you leave behind while traveling and still enjoy the same level of hygiene that you do back home. (And, maybe it would be a good idea to take these skill
Please feel free to contribute or send me your ideas!

1) WHEN SHOWERING... just shut off the faucet while shampooing, conditioning, shaving. This very small step (and one that is already done my many people across the globe), even doing it once in a while, may make a big difference.

2) WHEN WASHING... clothes, learn from the people in your hostel or guesthouse how to do it. It's certain that people who are accustomed to water scarcity will know the most efficient (and effective) way to wash clothes. Even if you don't want to pay to have it done, just ask.

3) LEARN TO LOVE... the squat toilet. Used in many parts of Asia and Africa, the squat toilets are vastly more energy and water efficient.

4) ASK AND KNOW... where the water comes from. In Nepal, the water for washing clothes was from a different source than that used to shower. One was vastly more expensive than the other. In Uganda, when the water went out it had to be purchased from the market and hauled into the hostel. Knowing when and how this happens is the first step!

5) SUPPORT... eco-hostels. Some hostels are now offering boiled water to drink instead of bottled, others use the shower water to flush the toilets, and offer other eco-friendly services. And, if your hostel doesn't, then ask! Supply often follows demand.


  1. very fitting post considering I have been out of water for the past 4 days! #tiredofbucketshowers


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